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this page is not about history but about a view on a history.





There are a lot of websites about the Palestinians and the Israelis. Most of them are driven by politics, politicization and even religionization. which threatens the visitor's attention away from that what should be all about: how did they all got into a situation that never seems to end.

It is at least obvious that most of them avoid to begin were you should begin. Indeed, the beginning and that is not whatever temple nor the Al Aqsa mosque.

History is often explained as "umbrella term". That is confusing because it is the presentation of a totality as a whole, so encompassing everything that belongs to that totality. 

If you want everything that belongs to the totality in an arrangement, laying out the exact order in which everything became to exist, you need to speak in terms of chronology, whereby politics, politicization and even religionization are irrelevant.

"Everything" means here any link belonging to an endless chain. And, every link belongs to one other, is part of one other and is associated to one other even when a link is related to a link ahead of it or way back from it. Because, that particular link can't exist if it is not 'sprouted' from a previous link who also needs to 'sprout' from another link. 

Each link presents or represents an event, a happening, an occurrence. In first instance, they look different from each other as they may be about different issues in different situations like one is about religion while the next one is about war.

But, how do they in first become to look different?

There's an religious answer in sense of a story that the Flemish Golden Age painter Pieter Breughel the elder visualized in two versions. One version is to see in Rotterdam, Netherlands. The other version is in Vienna, Austria.

The story? Here's our reflection:

Once , there was one world, one people to whom God have given one language, one thinking, so the unity of One .

But, the people have asked God for more. God asked the people what they would like to have more. The people wanted knowledge. God gave the ability and the skills to learn.

Then, people asked for their own kingdom. God gave them a kingdom. Still, the people were not satisfied as they wanted more than the kingdom they've had. They wanted the same place were God is. So, they started to build. 

When God saw, he warned the people. The people didn't listen and continue to build. God warned the people again. Still, the people refused to listen. When the people nearly reached God's place, they were punished as God took everything they have away.

The world, once one, is shattered into pieces and so the unity of one people now spread over all these shattered pieces.