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this page is not about history but about a view on a history.








Let us repeat this question: what is history?

The abstract meaning is scientific study of the past. In a more broader sense, it is an umbrella term that relates to past events as well as the memory, discovery, collection, organization, presentation, and interpretation of information about these events.

However, "umbrella term" is confusing because it is the presentation of a totality as a whole, so encompassing everything that belongs to that totality. But, if you want everything that belongs to the totality in an arrangement, laying out the exact order in which everything became to exist, you need to speak in terms of chronology, whereby politics, politicization and even religionization are irrelevant.

"Everything" means here any link belonging to an endless chain. And, every link belongs to one other, is part of one other and is associated to one other even when a link is related to a link ahead of it or way back from it. Because, that particular link can't exist if it is not 'sprouted' from a previous link who also needs to 'sprout' from another link. That's what a chronology is. Only an untouched chronology of events presents the truth, not the politicization and religionization by snippet practices.

Each link presents or represents an event, a happening, an occurrence. In first instance, they look different from each other as they may be about different issues in different situations like one is about religion while the next one is about war. But, are they really that different?

Migration after For instance, "lebensraum" is the naming for a territory which a group, state, or nation believes it is needed for its survival. The term is best known in the context of Nazism were it was based upon Johan Rudolf Kjellén's geopolitical interpretation of Friedrich Ratzel's human-geography term.

The Nazis established "lebensraum" as the racist rationale of their foreign policy by which they began the Second World War. They needed Eastern Europe to fulfill that idea, which was introduced on September 1, 1939.

This absurd idea isn't new as a similar development occurred seven decades earlier but in the context of 'religionization' of politicized ideas.

The resurfacing of Zionism in 1897 was also about establishing of such territory as Theodor Herzl proclaimed that Jews have the right to have their own land. At that time, Palestine was part of the Ottoman empire.

So, on May 15, 1901 Herzl went to sultan Abdul Hamid to ask for autonomy of Palestine. The sultan denied. Herzl then went to the British who had a powerful influence in that region. But they offered Herzl Uganda. Herzl rejected that offer.

On August 25,1933 German Zionists reached and signed an agreement the Nazis. It is known as the Haavara Agreement.

The agreement was finalized after three months of talks by the Zionist Federation of Germany, the Anglo-Palestine Bank (under the directive of the Jewish Agency) and the economic authorities of Nazi Germany.

It was a major factor in making the migration of approximately 60,000 German Jews to Palestine possible between 1933–1939.

It is clear that the Zionists were already looking before the Nazis came to that idea ..... 'lebensraum'.